Hal Puthoff on SSE/IRVA Conference
Hal Puthoff recently spoke on The 2018 SSE & IRVA Joint Conference, which was arranged by two pseudo-scientific organizations, Society for Scientific Exploration and International Remote Viewing Association. While there was little new or newsworthy, that presentation nevertheless contained tidbits that are of interest in relation to the earlier posts here about the AATIP/AAWSAP programs and the role BAAS and it's subcontractors played in it . So here's some commentary based on the just released transcript . AATIP Puthoff describes AATIP as follows: It was deeply buried, but the New York Times had good sources and they came up with information about the program We already know he himself was one of the sources! Leslie Kean has revealed how it all began with a tip and a confidential four hour meeting on October 4, 2017 between her and the TTSA guys, Puthoff, Elizondo, Semivan and Mellon. She was shown "revelatory documents and data off the record." Puthoff...