The 1965 Exeter Incident - Shooting down the red lights

Some 7 months ago, when I presented my solution to the 1973 Coyne Incident , I mentioned a few other UFO cases that have been explained as aerial refueling tankers. I also mentioned some disagree, and I might take a closer look at them too at some point. I was mainly interested in the Exeter case due to its high significance in the history of UFOs. That case popped up once again a few days ago while I was reviewing some events of that history, and I decided now is the time to take that closer look. Along the way I will note several lessons from and similarities with the Coyne Incident. Summary of the sighting The Exeter incident happened on September 3, 1965 near Exeter, New Hampshire. To put it briefly and bluntly, one hitchhiker (Norman Muscarello, age 18) first alone and then with two cops (Eugene Bertrand, age 32, and David Hunt, age 26) saw a group of bright flashing red lights at night, two of them believed they were very close, and got mightily scared. That probab...